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A New Era for PLU Holders—Self-Custody Stacking (20th February Transition)

5 min read

New Era for PLU Holders: External Stacking of Rare PLU

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has stayed patient and supportive over the years!

Your trust and commitment have made this journey possible.

Free payouts and transactions are our way of giving back to those who share the long-term vision and sustainable use of PLU. We have now paid out over 1M PLU!

And now, we're fast approaching 2M PLU—paid out for free.

The speed and efficiency of this transition reflect our team’s dedication to deliver a sustainable and timeless ecosystem. We're committed to revitalising the valuable rewards that many of you have loved, valued, and enjoyed over the years—and making them even better!

With a suite of powerful utilities, cost-effective Reward Levels, and continuous development and improvements, we are now aiming for a key milestone outlined in our whitepaper:

True Supply Shock

If you’ve been stacking PLU externally, especially through free payouts from a lucrative £/€6.99+ monthly plan, your loyalty is about to be rewarded again:

Your external PLU stack will be converted into Rare PLU! 

Important: This depends on the community vote planned for March 2025.

What is Rare PLU?

It’s the same PLU—but rarer.

  • Reduced supply, greater scarcity, and stronger utility.
  • A key part of our new Dual Token System.
  • No more supply increases via daily card emissions.
  • Removes downward pressure from third-party payouts.

To achieve these goals, we’re introducing a conceptual Dual Token Model to create a more balanced and sustainable ecosystem. This strategy also enhances the tokenomics of PLU by reducing supply (estimated ~13M PLU) and prioritising its use case.

For perspective, the chart below shows current stacking statistics based on a 20M total PLU supply. In just over a month, the shift to external stacking has added over 2M PLU to stacked balances, leaving fewer than 1.5M PLU in current circulation:

Dual Token Concept Overview

The dual-token model is designed to optimise rewards, liquidity, and customer benefits within the ecosystem by separating different functions across two tokens.

Primary Token: (e.g., Rare PLU) 

  • Rare PLU is a primary token needed for external stacking. 
  • External stacking unlocks Reward Levels and CRY.
  • Encourages long-term stacking for higher earnings.
  • Fixed low supply (est.~13M total reduced from 20M).
  • Current circulation: ~10M (~8.5M stacked by just ~15,000 customers).

Secondary Token: (e.g., Dynamic Rewards)

  • Designed for utilities, FUEL, and B2B (e.g., RaaS) partners.
  • Distributed as rewards for card spending and all emissions (including CRY).
  • Available for payouts and external use but cannot be stacked.
  • Earn more of it by stacking the primary token (Rare PLU).
  • Supply starts at 0, with dynamic minting and FUEL used to recycle rewards.

Key Benefits of the Dual Token Model

  • No PLU Emissions – Removes daily third party payouts and downward pressure.
  • Better Liquidity Management – Creates balance by introducing a secondary market.
  • Rare PLU - Gets rarer as the ecosystem grows. 
  • Dynamic Rewards - Maintains low supply through FUEL.
  • Optimised User Benefits – Earn and use rewards with more flexibility and no restrictions.

Example Use Case

Customer stack Rare PLU externally and the platform distributes Dynamic Rewards for card spending and all other reward emissions, including CRY payouts. Customers can then swap them on PlutusSwap or request payouts with no restrictions on external use.

Both tokens offer powerful real-world utilities used daily by thousands of customers. They constantly improve through continuous development, driving natural demand from an engaged and growing customer base. 


Why will the Dynamic Rewards have no restrictions on external use?

Because it is designed for external use. 

The Dynamic Rewards will be prioritised to grow with B2B partners through our RaaS feature, with FUEL integrated into the new chain governed by smart contracts. 

Unlike PLU, increased external use of Dynamic Rewards helps improve sustainability through a 5% network fee (FUEL), and we aim to create more use cases and ways to redeem these rewards from connected wallets on the app (e.g. PlutusSwap Web3), or externally with our B2B partners (RaaS and Perks brands).

Can Dynamic Rewards be stacked?

You can hold them in an external wallet if you prefer and use them as you wish, but they cannot be stacked on the app to unlock benefits and will only be used for utilities.

Only the primary token, ‘Rare PLU’ can be stacked to unlock Reward Levels or earning CRY.

Have more questions?

Ask our CEO and founder for insights:

Development Disclaimer

This is a conceptual proposal and is subject to change. The rewards on the new chain will be renamed to clearly distinguish them from Rare PLU. Further details of our network partner and a community vote will follow the 20th February transition, with full implementation expected in Q2 2025. Please note that all aspects of this proposal are provisional and may evolve based on feedback, compliance or regulatory requirements, and future developments.


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