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Important Updates to Our Terms & Conditions: Building a Healthier Ecosystem

5 min read

At Plutus, we're constantly evolving to ensure that our platform remains valuable and sustainable for the long term. As part of this commitment, we’ve made some important updates to our Terms & Conditions to ensure that our rewards system continues to benefit productive customers who contribute to the growth of our ecosystem.

In this post, we’ll break down the recent updates to our product and terms of use, explain why they’re necessary, and what they mean for you.

What Are The Upgrades?

To maintain a fair and sustainable reward system, we’re introducing some important adjustments that will help ensure users are engaging productively. Here's an overview of the key developments:

Who Benefits From Lucrative Reward Levels?

Our subscription provides access to lucrative monthly rewards and perks, contributing to Plutus through recurring revenue. Meanwhile, our Reward Levels offer exponential value that exclusively benefits those who stack PLU, not Plutus. Therefore to ensure stackers can continue earning valuable rewards over the long-term, participants on Reward Levels must engage productively, follow the terms of use, and work towards a collective goal of creating a valuable ecosystem.

What Is The Impact Of Non-Productive vs Productive Use?

Non-productive use, such as speculative actions and spreading misinformation, disrupts the ecosystem and undermines the platform's value. In contrast, productive use, including meaningful engagement and timely upgrades, enhances the overall system and ensures valuable rewards for all users. See real world examples below:

What Is Non-Productive Use?

A user maximises lucrative reward levels and engages in speculative behaviour with no interest in the ecosystem’s long-term health other than for personal gains. See a descriptive example below:

What Is Productive Use?

A valued Plutus customer enjoys lucrative Reward Level earnings responsibly, while contributing to the ecosystem’s growth by following the rules, reading official content to make informed decisions, and fostering long-term value for themselves and the broader community. See a descriptive example below:

Importance of Encouraging Productivity:
Zero Tolerance Policy

As we now shift towards scaling from a growth stage startup, our product will naturally prioritise customers who work towards this shared goal. Customers who earn, stack, and swap their rewards for special purchases are encouraged, whereas third-party payouts for harmful activity such as speculative actions or negative discussions that harm the ecosystem will not be tolerated and those involved will be penalised.

We encourage customers and those using the platform to engage productively in order to continue earning rewards.

1. Breach of Terms May Lead to Loss of Rewards or Account Access

Breaching one or more of the following conditions at any point of the customer's lifetime journey constitutes a violation of terms. Severity ranges from minor (one violation), to extreme (all five); may result in loss of access to Reward Levels, clawback of earned PLU, and potentially account closure:

  • Earned PLU exceeds stacked PLU by a factor of two: This means if you have doubled your original stack required to unlock the level, and haven’t actively stacked your rewards to progress further.
  • No Reward Level upgrade in 12 months: Customers must stack to progress to higher tiers and upgrade to the next sub-level (once available) or Reward Level at least once every 12 months to stay compliant.
  • No stacking for more than 30 days: Earning on reward levels requires continuous engagement for sustainability and level progression as intended for use in the product.
  • Regular third-party payouts: One or more speculative payouts to non-connected wallets, such as exchanges or DEXs, rather than for special purchases as intended by the terms of use.
  • Sharing false claims and misinformation: We urge customers to read official documents and offer feedback to improve our services and support the ecosystem with accurate information.

2. Actions for Non-Compliance

Accounts with minor violations will receive a warning notification. Accounts with multiple violations will receive periodic emails detailing the actions required to retain access to their unique, lucrative rewards card and other features, whilst serious violations may result in clawbacks and account closure.

  • Loss of CRY benefits: If PLU is unstacked within a 12-month period, all CRY (Compounding Reward Yield) benefits, including any multipliers, will be forfeited.
  • Increased Reward Level requirements: Breaching the terms could lead to a 50% increase in the PLU required to unlock future Reward Levels.
  • Clawbacks on rewards: Rewards earned through promotions, card spending, or manual rewards, whether in internal balance or withdrawn, can be removed and clawed back through legal channels.
  • Restricted access: Accounts in violation may lose access to Reward Levels, utilities, and other features. Regaining access could require stacking for up to 12 months, or a specific amount of PLU redemption fee of up to 100,000 PLU.

Note: The update doesn't imply immediate action for most violations but is meant to foster a healthier, more valuable ecosystem through productive in-app engagement.

Why These Updates?

These updates are about building a sustainable ecosystem that rewards users who engage productively with the platform. We’ve noticed that non-productive use—such as earning rewards without actively stacking or upgrading—can create an imbalance, making it harder to maintain a valuable system over the long-term.

By implementing these changes, we aim to:

  • Protect active users who contribute to the system by following the product's terms of use..
  • Ensure that misuse and system abuse don’t negatively impact the platform for the majority of users.
  • Encourage continual participation and a fair reward system that grows alongside the community.

This way, we can focus on building valuable features that benefit everyone who engages with the platform, while also safeguarding the long-term sustainability of our reward system.

What’s Coming Next?

We have some exciting features planned for release in Q3/Q4, designed to help you get even more value from the rewards you’ve earned and consistently engage productively in-app. These include:

  • CRY Tracker, PlutusSwap (Web2) and utilities to enhance your experience and make it easier to track and use your rewards.
  • A special promotion for Heroes and Veterans who have doubled their original stack—over 80% of you, based on our data, are eligible to upgrade easily from your past earnings!

Stay Informed

As always, we encourage you to review the updated Terms & Conditions to fully understand the new changes. Our goal is to continue building a platform that rewards productive use and helps all users grow together.

Thank you for being part of our journey, and stay tuned for more updates!


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