PLU Rewards
Boosting Your Rewards Cap with PLU

Boosting Your Rewards Cap with PLU

You have the opportunity to boost your rewards cap by redeeming PLU. For example, if you're on a Premium plan with a £1,000 rewards cap, redeeming 100 PLU will add an extra £2,000 to your cap. This cumulative approach allows you to reach a substantial £3,000 rewards cap.

Explore your options and maximize your rewards!

Boosting your rewards cap is easy! To redeem PLU for a boosted rewards cap, simply:

  1. Log in to the Plutus web app
  2. Navigate to “Redeem PLU” on the dashboard
  3. Select the Rewards Cap you want to boost and follow the instructions on screen

The summary will show your current rewards cap, new rewards cap, total PLU cost, and the effective date of the new rewards cap. The process involves transferring PLU from an external wallet to an address displayed on screen.

The PLU to be redeemed will be taken from the connected wallet

Important: Please ensure you follow the in-app instructions carefully to avoid scams, loss of funds, and generally ensure a smooth experience.

Please note that redeeming PLU for a boosted rewards cap is non-refundable.

Note: Redemption requirements for PLU are dynamic and will be periodically aligned with emission metrics - also - please note that redemption caps are NOT stackable.

Right this way.

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