Metal Card New Offer (+3 months)

Metal Card New Offer (+3 months)

Thank you for participating in the vote. An overwhelming 63% of votes from stackers supported building a self-sustainable reward system that delivers high-value rewards indefinitely.

If you own a metal card and voted no, rest assured, we will be creating educational tools to help everyone understand the value of CRY payouts and long-term productive activity over extra perks. It is important to note that Metal Card benefits remain unchanged, can still be combined with reward levels as advertised, and provide even greater value.

Furthermore, of our 1,000 Metal Card holders, just over 70% are on a reward level and have already earned an impressive £6 million in rewards, proving the system's lucrativeness. However, as a gesture of goodwill, Plutus has crafted an offer for Metal Card members that balances token longevity with rewarding your loyalty.

How does it work?

  1. Maintain Stack: We will  take a snapshot of your current stacked PLU balance on 12th August 2024 for live tracking. Ensure your total stacked PLU balance does not fall below this figure until 30th May 2025.
  2. Have Reward Level: Must be on one of the new active Reward Levels and stack all PLU earned until 30th May 2025.


Once you've completed all the steps above, the following benefits will be unlocked to your account as you reach the milestones, regardless of your bundle's end date:

  • Grandmaster: +3 months
  • Master: +3 months
  • Champion: +3 month

Key Dates

  • Live Balance Tracking Snapshot: 12th August 2024
  • Maintain Stack Until: 30th May 2025
  • Benefits Activation:  31st May 2025

Note: If your Metal Card bundle is still active, the additional benefits will be added upon completing stacking milestones set above. This will not only give you an additional 3 months of benefits but will also count towards your CRY payouts and the multiplier. Additionally, all payouts for this exclusive offer will be funded by the Plutus Treasury wallets on-chain with no compromise to non-negotiable tokenomics.


Can I add more PLU to my stack?

Yes, you can add more PLU to your stack. Just ensure your total stacked PLU balance does not drop below the captured amount on 12th August 2024.

When will I receive my benefits?

If you qualify, the additional benefits will be added to your account on following dates regardless of your bundle:

  • Champion: 31st May 2025
  • Master: 31st May 2025
  • Grandmaster: 31st May 2025

Why do all tiers have the same stacking milestones and benefits?

Some tiers are already approaching their expiration date. To ensure fairness across all tiers, the same milestones will apply to everyone. Additionally, meeting these milestones will increase CRY payouts and the multiplier, benefiting both you and the ecosystem significantly. All emissions for this extended period will be funded by the Plutus Treasury wallet on-chain rather than the rewards pool, ensuring no impact on non-negotiable tokenomics.

How will I know if I qualify for the benefits?

You qualify for the benefits as long as your stacked PLU balance remains at or above the captured amount, and stacking of all earned PLU until 30th May 2025. We will notify you via email if/when your additional benefits have been added.

Can I request PLU payouts before the end date and still receive the benefits?

Yes, PLU earned can be paid out to your personal wallet connected to the app for stacking. However, your total stacked PLU balance must not fall below the required amount due to destacking from internal or external balance, or payouts of earned rewards to non-connected wallets until 30th May 2025. Failing to maintain the balance will result in losing the additional benefits offered and any CRY and multiplier accumulated until reaching in-app milestones.

I was previously on a Reward Level but cannot join now due to lower tiers being unavailable. Will these tiers be accessible soon?

Lower tiers have unique front-loading features designed to help beginners advance through the reward levels. These features are yet to be developed and will be prioritised this year. The preliminary roadmap will be released later this week.

Why are there requirements for the offer?

We understand the community’s desire for additional perks. However, under the new model, Metal Card holders on Reward Levels are earning more rewards than before. To ensure fairness and maintain balance, this approach prevents additional benefits from jeopardising tokenomics and allows us to offer extra value while preserving the long-term sustainability of our rewards system. 

Please read the simplified whitepaper and listen to the latest AMA to understand our goals for achieving self-sustainability and creating a productive ecosystem focused on long-term stacking and engaging with in-app utilities.

Right this way.

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